Monday, February 4, 2008


We are so excited that the Giants won this weekend! It was the best Super Bowl I have ever seen! Peyton wore her Giants sweat shirt and was all ready for the game. She didn't get into the game until she had to go to bed (of course) - then it was all "GOOOOO GIANTS" "GO GO GO GO". Can you tell she knows EXACTLY where to get her Daddy? Needless to say she did not fall asleep until after 9! Getting her to daycare was a battle for Matt but I called it the night before and he didn't want to listen - hahaha! I would love to show you pics of Peyton all ready for the big game but she still wants nothing to do with my camera! I will post later with some pics.

1 comment:

nana said...

Love the lolly pop!!!
Peyton you are getting cuter by the minute if that is possible!