Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

A little late .... but Happy Mother's day to all you Moms out there. I had the best Mother's Day ever! I woke up to a bubbly Peyton! I got the biggest hug with the cutest "Happy Mother's Day Mommy!" She proudly gave me the picture she made for me at school. She got me the most beautiful roses and the Queen B charm for my bracelet (notice it is next to my pineapple charm - wink wink!). She also picked out a candle for me - Matt let her smell all the Yankee candles and she was excited to pick out her favorite one - it really was so damn cute! It means so much when it is truly from her! We had our family over for breakfast and it was a lot of fun. We relaxed for the rest of the day. It truly was a great day for me.... I got to spend it with my two favorite people!


nana said...

Happy Mother's Day Kristy!
Thank you, Matt and Peyton for a wonderful day. I loved all my gifts. You guys are the best!

Janice said...

Happy Mother's Day!

When I saw the photo of the charms, I thought, hey my hubby just got me my first Pandora charm bracelet with a couple of charms! I have never heard of them until a couple of days ago. All their charms are lovely!

Glad you had a great day!

Sue, Neal and Aidan said...

Loveeeeeeeeee the pictures. They are so amazing. That little P is getting so big. Love her and love you guys. xoxo