Sunday, June 10, 2007

Playdate with Maddie and Ella

Sunday we went to visit Anne, Bo, Maddie and Baby Ella! Peyton was a very cranky baby! But we all had fun. Maddie and Peyton ran around the backyard and played on the swing set, while Mommy and Anne had some much needed wine. It was a cloudy day so there aren't many good pics to share but we wanted to introduce Ella Rian! Our new baby cousin! Peyton was so excited (she wanted to squeeze her) She kept saying "baby" - very cute! She is the best baby and we wanted to eat her up!


Patti said...

I love the black & white pictures. What a beautiful baby. Now Peyton has another great friend to play with!

Love you guys,

Patti & Carly

nana said...

Our family is getting more beautiful every day!