Sunday, June 24, 2007

What a looooooooong week!

This has been the longest week ever! Peyton has been sick since Sunday! We can't seem to shake this thing! She did end up breaking out into a Roseola rash but it seemed to not want to go away as quickly as her Dr said it would. She still is getting 'sick' everyday! Daddy was away and left Mommy to deal with this all on her own - but we survived! On Sunday her rash got really bad and puffy. After it settled she starting looking a little better. By dinner she was smiling. Daddy is back from Miami and seems to have gotten away with it all! We will see what tomorrow brings!

No this is not her rash - this is what happens when she eats pizza!


nana said...
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nana said...

You eat pizza like me Miss P!!
Love you my baby girl.....