Monday, July 16, 2007

"Head, shoulders, knees and toes....knees and toes"

Our little baby is growing up so fast! She is learning so many more words and is a little chatter box. Her new favorite word is "Bubble" (when she finds time in between saying Mommy and Daddy a million times a day!). She is so good at listening now! She will put whatever she takes out back in its place. She also gives lots and lots of hugs and kisses as well as blowing kisses! She loves to say HI to everyone and also wave bye. But the most exciting thing she has learned is all her body parts! She knows her eyes, hair (head), mouth, nose, ears, hands and toes! It is so amazing to watch her learn everyday! We are completely in love with her! Today she started a new 'school' and she was AMAZING! She didn't cry once, not even when she was dropped off. She played with her new friends and had lunch with them. We are sad to leave all of her other friends, but most of all - Miss Carly! Carly is Peyton's BF and side kick and we will continue to see her out of school! She is a big part of our lives and we miss her already! We also miss all of her teacher, Miss Patty, Miss Wanda and Miss Karen. Peyton learned so much there!

I know this isn't the best focus but she is so cute not to share!


Patti said...

aww- what a great picture. we miss you guys already and it hasn't even been 24 hours. School will never be the same for Carly. Nice to know Peyton's transition was seamless. Less stress on Mommy & Daddy!! See you at the beach, park or wherever we can meet up!!

Love you guys, Patti & Carly xoxo

nana said...

You are too beautiful Miss Peyton..
Your new teachers are going to love you!

Jane said...

Kristy, You are amazing! Keep using those special God given talents of yours.
Love Jane