Thursday, September 13, 2007

....and the 'BEAT' goes on....

Yesterday was Peyton's cardiologists appointment. Peyton had an echo and an ultra sound. She was not a fan of the echo. She screamed bloody murder trying to pull off all the wires. Of course Mommy cried right along with her! It was so upsetting and my heart broke! Then we were off to get the ultra sound. That went better! The tech was the sweetest thing ever and sang tons of songs and told Peyton her heart was really Elmo! All said and done - she is in perfect health!!!! The Dr met with us and told me it may come and go but she is "too healthy to be in this office". Peyton gave everyone a high five on the way out. We then met Daddy at Toys R Us to get the mermaid doll I had promised her. We are so happy! I guess when you have a big heart like she does, it needs to work a little harder! Peyton is so lucky to have so many people that love her, the phone rang off the hook last night! XOXOXO from all of us!


nana said...

Of course she has a big heart, she has the best parents in the world!!!
Our prayers were answered and our "little P" is perfect!
love you sweet girl..

Sue, Neal and Aidan said...

We are so glad that P is ok.....we love you guys so much.....xoxo