Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bye Bye Huggies.......

So you said it couldn't be done, that I was insane for thinking a 17 month old can go on the potty - well SHE DIIIIIIID! I have been talking to her about the potty for a week now and she keeps saying it. Yesterday she took her diaper off and said "boppy" (potty to her). This morning I decided to get a little seat to go on the potty. The entire way home from the store she was talking about her potty. As soon as we walked in she took the seat into the bathroom. I sat her on the seat and away she went! I almost died! We are so proud of her and hope she keeps it up! Here are some pics - YES I took pics! She is lucky we didn't have the video camera out - oh how her future husband would love to see that! Don't you love her bed head!!

1 comment:

Patti said...

ok, she is going to haaattee you for these!!! hahaha! Go Peyton!

Love you, Patti & Carly