Sunday, September 30, 2007

"When you come right down to it, the secret of having it all is loving it all"

Nothing exciting to report. Peyton is doing well. She is getting a new teacher this week and we hope it goes well, she will adjust just fine....but we will miss Miss. Paula. Peyton has been all giggles all weekend and talking more and more. Saturday I took her to the outlets with my Mom and we had a great time. She took her into the toy store where Peyton wanted 5 babies but Nana convinced her one was enough - thank God! Then she bought her an entire new wardrobe! I went to the city Saturday night for Melissa's bachelorette party, so waking up to "MOMMMMMMMMMY" Sunday morning wasn't a treat - haha! We finally got her a new Nemo (she ripped off his fin) and she was very happy! It was nice to have a relaxing family weekend - sometimes we get so caught up in everything, we don't get to enjoy each other.

1 comment:

nana said...

Dear Miss P,
Always take time to smell the are beautiful..
I love you,