Sunday, September 9, 2007

Baby girl you so major...they should front page ya, God bless the parents who made ya

I think Matt and I spent the entire day laughing at our strong willed, independent, character of a daughter we have! She just never seizes to amaze us! She climbs over, in, out of everything in her path. She randomly comes out with new words and new faces. She thinks its funny to tickle her own feet. Aunt Maura and Uncle John came over Saturday night before we all went out to dinner and bought Peyton an Elmo potty - to congratulate her for learning to go on the potty. Peyton thinks her other potty seat has to go on this potty too! We got her training pants but that doesn't seem to work well! We are still working on it. It is amazing how strong she is! She picked up the hugest water bottle and walked around the house (see pics below - sorry for the crappy pics). Peyton got her very own fishy this weekend - she calls her shishy! She has a little bowl with all pink rocks and pink flowers! She loves her Shishy! I think we have watched the Little Mermaid 20 times this weekend - she can't get enough!

You want my sippy cup??

Ummm .... let me think.....


Peyton loves her Elmo potty!

She gets this from her strong Daddy!


Patti said...

Pleas sign Carly up for Peyton's "genius" classes. You go girl on the potty! Awesome.

Love you,


nana said...

What a shape!!!!

nana said...

All I know is the next time you all go out to dinner, me and Miss P are going with you!!!